· This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Current visibility: Friends-only. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. 1, ratings. Endsieg: Ultimate Victory [Please READ description] Description Discussions 40 Comments Change Notes. Hoi4 таймлапс, Hoi4 timelapse, Hoi4,Endsieg Ultimate Victory,The great war. · Endsieg is German for "Ultimate Victory", this term was commonly used in WWI and WWII propaganda and was one of the most widely used terms in propaganda by the Third Reich. Joseph Goebbels would still come to use this term as late as ensuring German's that they were facing a .
Current supported HOI4 version: Current update: Endsieg is German for "Ultimate Victory", this term was commonly used in WWI and WWII propaganda and was one of the most widely used terms in propaganda by the Third Reich. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). - 3: HoI4 - Endsieg - WW2 Italy - #34 World at Peace! This mod works with dynamic cosmetic tags, events and decisions that allow the player to install, restore and impose monarchical rule in other nations as much as your original tag. The Endsieg: Ultimate Victory mod adds five scenarios to HoI4 starting with World War I, continuing with 's Operation Barbarossa and ending in with the scenario that gives the mod its title, seeing Germany on the brink of defeat. Aside from a reworked AI, the mod also adds Rations and Fuel as resources to increase the level of realism.
HOI4 Endsieg official project. Contribute to ThatMisterJay/endsieg development by creating an account on GitHub. endsieg_bltadwin.ru Category Full Version. Uploader Lev_Slav. Added Jul 3rd, Size mb (,, bytes) Downloads is hoi4 version compatible cause. Since the File is Pretty Big ill post a link here for you to Download the mod from Im sorry for my recent inactivity but it has× been a hard time for me. Features: Includes Custom Soundtrack 8 scenarios Own Logo Custom Events And download Instructions For those Interested we have a Youtube Channe.