· Installing the trial version of HP UFT or QTP from the Micro Focus site is a 2-step process. Part 1) Download ; Part 2) Installation; We will go through the steps one by one. HP has released the latest version of QTP and it is being called HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) As mentioned in the previous article on the features of the new UFT , the trial version of UFT is now available for download from HP website. · HP has released the latest version of QTP and it is being called HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) As mentioned in the previous article on the features of the new UFT , the trial version of UFT is now available for download from HP website.
Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, what is the latest version of QTP? The latest version of QTP is ; this new version of QTP is named as HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT). Basically, the UFT is a mixture of HP QTP (GUI testing tool) and HP Service Test (API testing tool). Mixture of QTP and ST will be available on a single graphic user interface. HP has released the latest version of QTP and it is being called HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) As mentioned in the previous article on the features of the new UFT , the trial version of UFT is now available for download from HP website. The trial period of the software is 30 days. All these new features can be explored when HP releases the trial version of UFT Update: The trial version of the software is now available for download. Refer UFT download link to see detailed step by step process to download UFT For more information on the above points, refer the HP Webinar Slides.
UFT Download Link - bltadwin.ru?compURI=#tab=TAB3For more detailed article visit - bltadwin.ru Steps to Download UFT (QTP) from HP website. 1) Go to UFT download link. You will be navigated to the page shown in the below screenshot. 2) Click on the trial software section to expand it. Once expanded, you will see the links for various trial software that are currently available for download. 3) Click on ‘HP Unified Functional Testing CC English SW E-Media Evaluation’ link. You would be taken to a page where you would need to provide your personal details as shown below. Complete Guide to download and install QTP - Trial / Free / Paid version. The latest version of QTP (UFT ) is available for download. Check the article for detailed step by step process to download uft from HP website.